Logo FXInterpreter  
  Multilanguage management module for GE Fanuc iFix

Un solo file Excel per tutto il progetto !


For a medium-sized project the multilanguage management of iFix works with TENS of CSV files with strings that are NOT UNIQUE!!!

A lot of working hours are required to compile or modify all these files...

With FXInterpreter you work with only A SINGLE Excel file for all the languages (dictionary) with UNIQUE strings!!!

Translations can also be typed or modified by the end user and the dictionary is reusable.

Moreover many additional functions are available for superior flexibility.
  ACTIVA develops software applications and supplies analytical and advice services.
To implement SCADA systems (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) iFix of GE Fanuc is the preferred environment.
The idea for a tool to speed up and simplify multilanguage management comes from programming experience and market demands.

ACTIVA FXInterpreter is the low cost answer to requests from developers and end users who don't want to complicate their lives!
  NOTE: strings translations have to be edited by the user and must be manually typed in the dictionary.

© 2006-2008 ACTIVA di Gismondi Roberto P.IVA 01309360335  All rights reserved.

FXInterpreter is an ACTIVA product.

iFix is a GE Fanuc International Inc. trademark.
Microsoft, MS, ActiveX, Visual Basic, Visual Basic for Applications, Windows, Windows XP, are Microsoft Corporation trademarks.
Other products and companies names mentioned in this web site may be trademarks of their respective owners.

ACTIVA has no commercial or technical relationship with GE Fanuc and Microsoft.